STANDARD FLEXIBLE REGISTRY SERVER I am designing a central registry server for use on a web server and locally within a GEMx installation. This registry should be the primary means of resource management within GEMx. The registry will support revisioning of all it's entries. The registry will encapsulate: - Code Objects in a standard representation in the format of a function with inputs and outputs. - Data Objects in the form of key value mapped tables or 'dictionaries'. - File Objects much like standard Unix files as binary blobs with headers and extensions. Each unique object has a unique global ID. Additionally the registry should support metadata in the forms of tags and other attributes on all of it's objects. The registry may additionally keep an entropy file as a means of compression. The unique ID's should be truly global and networked just like IPFS or Ethereumm resources are. They are not specific to individual computers so I will keep a master record on my servers while a client may choose to download only a subset. There should likely need to be a class templating system for the data objects. And this specification system will likely require leverging access to bare metal resource layout as in a C struct, unless the requirements of the struct can be defined at a higher level so that a dynamic compiler can optimize for specific conditions. The raw data of the registry can be divided into many chunks and distributed across servers. The 'ownership' of many divisions of the registry should be allocated amongst cryptographic identities or 'profiles'. Perhaps the domains can be managed with democratic oversight of the peers by 'groups' of these profiles. --- broad registry server --- there should be a specialized social hub at the registry domain some basic features should be: - profiles - pages - value exchange (likes, comments, donations, funding) - media, documents - connections, meetings - forms - email - groups - messaging - integrations and there should be a system for guaranteeing security as required --- --- Asset library, there should be library of 3D assets kept ---